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Judgment of False Prophets

Scripture: Micah 3: 5 – 12

Verse 5: Prophets told the people what they wanted to hear because they enjoyed the contributions of the people. Greed caused them to error. Selfishness began to override their responsibility as being keepers of the Word and being loyal to God. They did not preach accountability for sinful and unbecoming behavior. They did not teach about correcting the un-Christ like behavior and lifestyle. Just like in the world today. Preachers have failed to fulfill the responsibility of delivering an uncompromising truth to the people. Preachers are putting their own desires above that of God. These false prophets declared that the people that did not give to them were enemies and today preachers curse those that do not follow their requests. Preachers use the pulpit to talk about people and murder the spirit of the flock. Preacher declare evil things over the flock because they mix doctrines and seek to fulfill what their lustful hearts desire. They do not operate from the heart of a servant of God. True prophets are in tune with the will of God and do not succumb to the will of the people or the blindness of their own understanding. They seek to know what is right by consulting and communing with God. Without constant communion with God no one can prevent the spirit of the Anti-Christ from invading the ministry and souls. Read 2 Timothy 4:3-people will not endure sound doctrine will be more fascinated with their own lusts and finding those who will pacify them.

Verse 6: These prophets are doomed for destruction. The visions that they once had will cease and even the evil consultations they pursued will also cease. There will be total devastation. People try to continue on as if God is not going to judge. They often times believe that they are immune and cannot be touched but God is not mocked and He judges every deed and word performed for the intent. He does not compromise His Word. He hates and judges all evil and sin. We have to rightly divide and discern the Word and be watchful of the actions of others and self. (What is the intention?)

Verse 7: Humiliation – Hide your face because God is not speaking at all. God will make it clear by firing you when you are displeasing Him. Like King Saul, God fired him because He removed the anointing from him and was not speaking to him anymore. God will make sure that the truth is revealed and let the people see the true nature of those who profess but are not His or not operating according to His will. God will never let the people be ignorant but everyone has a choice rather to believe and accept the truth or a lie. God will always raise up a true prophet and show that person to the people so there will be no confusion about what God really is saying. God will bring disgrace to those who are pretending and not speaking what He has commanded.

Verse 8: Micah saw things through the eyes of God. We should always be in the frame of God consciousness. We tend to be led by sin consciousness and miss the truth of God’s Word. The authority in which Micah spoke validated his message. Micah had the courage to do what God declared. He was not discouraged by man or intimidated. He chose to obey the Lord. The other prophets in this time failed to do what the Lord instructed. There has to be holy compassion and understanding of purpose. We have to be passionate about the duties to fulfill according to the Lord and not our own interpretation. We are not supposed to lean to our understanding but acknowledge the Lord in all of our ways. True prophets (spiritual leaders) do not sugar coat or water down the truth. They do not count it better to be friends with the people over being obedient to the Lord. The concern is not the acceptance of the people. We must be led by the Holy Spirit in all things. We must have faith and be humble and totally surrendered to God. Our commitment is to be dedicated to do all things in excellence.

Verse 9: There are prophets today that pervert the Word of God and change it to fit their agenda and meet their satisfaction. Isaiah 5:20 reads: Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; That put darkness for light, and light for darkness; That put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter. God called the prophets in that time out on their sin and is still calling them out today. Like Micah, God has a remnant set aside that is anointed to boldly confront those that are not doing the Lord’s will by preaching falsely to His people. Even if the prophets never change, they will have warning.

Verse 10: There was no justice for the unrighteousness being performed because there was no one holding anyone accountable and preaching repentance etc. There was blatant disobedience and deliberate practice of sin just like today. People do not operate in the fear of the Lord and do not respect the Word at all. Spiritual leaders are supposed to be the example. They are supposed to practice righteous living and promote it among the people. The prophets built up a system that the Lord could not turn a blind eye. How could He not visit them for these things?

Verse 11: Sadly, the prophets were so arrogant that they still claimed that the Lord was with them as they sold themselves to the people. They actually believed that God would not bring destruction because of their presence when the irony is it is because of their presence and lack of obedience that the destruction must come. They were indicted for the condemnation they brought on everyone.

Verse 12: Total destruction. Leaders are telling partial truth or blatant lies because they are manipulating the messages and leading people astray. People are departing from the faith because they are not studying, watching, or praying effectively.

Leaders must be vigilant in doing what is holy and acceptable unto God. Judgment comes on leaders first because it starts at the head and with those who are responsible for delivering the engrafted Word that is able to save the souls. We are charged with this task.

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