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When the Glory Comes

Glory is the power, honor, perfection, majesty, greatness, authority, and splendor of God. God’s glory is the demonstration of His moral beauty and His character. No one can take His glory. No one can duplicate His glory. He will not give His glory to another. The glory of God becomes a visible presence of God, but He determines how He will manifest Himself. God can appear as a cloud, Lion of Judah, fire, smoke, dressed in a robe, reveal His hand, or reveal His foot, and He can reveal is angels. Paul said he did not know if he was in the body or out. The Spirit of God can manifest in your natural life if your spiritual eyes are open.

This is why we need to be sensitive to the Spirit of God so we can recognize the movement of God. The glory has transforming power. God’s glory can appear as a dazzling light or in the form of smoke that can be seen in the natural. The glory will cause us to become brighter and more beautiful in our spirit. This results in our outer appearance glowing or radiating with light that others can discern and notice. The light is not carnal but spiritual. The glory is a mighty testimony that is a tangible manifestation of what only can be possible by God alone.

When the glory comes and we partake, it gradually transfigures our lives because we can only handle so much at a time. This is why we are gracefully broken and given beauty for ashes. The glory is God’s approbation (His approval). It is His blessing. It is favor. We are transformed glory to glory by climbing the ladder of intimacy. We are transformed faith to faith as faith is increased through trials and tribulations and revelation of the word. Faith comes by hearing. Though the bible says hearing by the word of God, what are you listening to that is getting your faith? People have more faith in reality shows and listening to drama than believing in miracles. If one is consumed with listening to fear, one will have more faith in darkness than light.

Glory comes from consecration. He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. In the secret place, there is always public praise. Catch that in the spirit. When you stay in the secret closet, you cannot help but praise Him before men. There is no shame in the secret place. People miss the glory because they do not praise Him, honor, reverence, believe, or obey. They scrutinize and look for loopholes to not walk in full obedience. Many choose to be more mindful of people and what people want versus what God requires and wants. These prefer to give God what they want rather than what He deserves.

They lack trust in God. They profess with their mouth, but their minds and hearts recycle negativity. They speak things like “if it ain’t one thing, it’s another”. This invites the reoccurrence. It invites the dysfunction. We must learn to expect more good things than bad. Always expect truth to prevail over a lie. Bad things do happen but are not necessarily the norm. Difficult times are times of preparation because God knows where we are headed. It is not about where we are but what awaits us in due time. It is a season with purpose. That season can be a day, year or years, but all of our times are in God’s hands.

Negativity breeds negativity and attracts misery. Our reality is determined by our habit. Are you habitually negative, habitually positive, habitually argumentative, and so on? What are you sowing as a harvest? The negative mindset and thoughts of doubt can cause one to be blind to the glory that is being revealed. God shines in the darkness. Exodus 14:10 & 11 talks about how the Israelites were again afraid of Pharaoh. It did not matter how God had just delivered them in a miraculous way. It only mattered what they perceived as their normal. They could not see God. They reverted to the expectation that they would die in the wilderness because they were confronted with a common problem.

The issue is their lack of faith. But even in their doubt God answered with His glory. He came by demonstration and presence. Exodus 14:20 amplified version. Coming between the host of Egypt and the host of Israel. It was a cloud and darkness to the Egyptians, but it gave light by night to the Israelites, and the one host did not come near the other all night.

God’s cloud had fire in it at night for light unto the Israelites. He shined in a time when they believed they would die. We often think we will die in situations or perish for the timespan has been lengthy. God goes before us and comes to dwell in us and amongst us just as He walked among us in the form of Jesus. God’s glory shows up in various forms. There can be a pillar of cloud, pillar of fire, dazzling light, east wind parting the Red Sea, mighty rushing wind, tongues of fire, or even profound revelation that gives us insight for an in time movement of God or a intimate vision of heaven’s momentum and movement.

The Shekinah Glory is His visible presence like when Isaiah saw His train in the temple after King Uzziah died (Isaiah 6) and He was high and lifted up on His throne. Moses was placed in the cleft of a rock for the glory to pass by.

God consumes our environment when we totally trust in Him and makes our lives about pleasing Him. Does your environment have evidence of His presence, His glory? Make room for the glory.

2 Chronicles 5:13-14 KJV It came even to pass, as the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the Lord; and when they lift up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of musick, and praised the Lord, saying, For he is good, for his mercy endureth forever: that then the house was filled with a cloud, even the house of the Lord; So that the priests could not stand to minister by reason of the cloud: for the glory of the Lord had filled the house of God


God listens for a certain sound from our praise. There is power in unity of praise. People can be delivered from witchcraft, demonic spirits, demonic influence, chains can be broken, etc. There is an oil that is produced when true worshippers /praisers come together with hearts of unity on one accord. There is oil of increase, oil of healing, oil of redemption, oil of deliverance, oil of reconciliation, oil of forgiveness, oil of power to put thousands of demons to flight, oil of endurance and perseverance, it is the faithful oil of glory.

When the glory appears, the original program or personal intentions are changed to the perfect will of God’s mindset. Everything that was planned must cease. Just because there was a sermon prepared, it does not mean that it will always be preached when expected. Just because you had a plan does not mean God will honor it as it is. Man makes plans but God orders steps. Sometimes, God wants to show off Himself and no man get the glory. He comes to deal with everyone by His Spirit. In this scripture, the ministers could not minister because of the cloud of glory. The musicians had to stop because it was a moment for everyone to receive a divine exchange. There was a certain sound that was heard in heaven, and it caused God to come down. They had to keep silent before Him. There are times when we have to be silent on how we want to do something and allow the Lord to move us into how to do it.

When the glory appears, we must submit, surrender, and humble ourselves so that His will becomes our will. This gives free reign for the plan and the word to be performed in the earth. God consumed the temple. He filled the temple and changed the entire environment and mindset of the service. He came and made the ground a holy ground. We need our homes to be a place that God comes and makes it holy ground and dwell with us. We should be in aww of our Divine Father. We should be still and know. The appearance of the glory releases breakthrough, miracles, and the ability to receive. There is a download of faith and an enlargement of expectation.

A divine visitation is glory. Every detail of God’s prophecy, promise, vision, or revelation must be made manifest. Heaven and earth shall pass away but not one tittle or dot of His word shall pass away. It is all about timing and position. Many tend to be hasty and want to rush the process. Sometimes you have to back away from things and/or people because God has to perfect it and/or protect you from some unseen aspect, but heaven will not rest until it is done on earth as it is in heaven. Though it tarry, wait for it. It shall surely come to pass. You cannot have faith and not have hope. Hope is the earnest expectation. Keep the fire of expectancy.

Seek the Lord. Prepare to see the King. He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Besides Him there is no other. He is the Ancient of days. He is El Elyon, El Shaddai, Adonai, Jehovah, and He is the Great I am. Before Abraham was, I Am saith the Lord. Are you ready to live in His presence if you cannot recognize His glory? How are you preparing to live eternally in His presence if you cannot lift up your hands in praise for 30 seconds? We should abide in Him. Jesus is the door. As He abides in us and we in Him, we also abide in the Father. The revelation of God is through Jesus Christ.

It does not come by one’s self interpretation. We have been instructed not to lean to our own understanding. Flesh will never comprehend spirit. Please read all of 1 Corinthians 2:11-14. V11 For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? Even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. V14 But the natural (nonspiritual) man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

The natural man naturally rebels or rejects the truth no matter how God presents it or makes it plain. We have to make time for God. We have to walk in the spirit as not to be deceived by men pretending to be spiritual or using the Lord’s name in vain for their personal gain. We cannot comprehend God’s thoughts unless He provides understanding. His ways are not our ways nor His thoughts our thoughts. He will take the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. He will also reveal those that think they are wise in their craftiness. We need the Spirit of God to lead, direct, and speak to us. We must know Him intimately and not casually.

We commune spirit to spirit with God. It is not mind or soulish. We worship Him in spirit and in truth. When we are spiritually minded, we are glory magnets. When the glory comes, be sure that you are connected and able to partake.

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