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Living Water

Scripture: Ezekiel 47:1-12

Verse 1: Door represents opportunity to step into another realm of the spirit, a new level of faith. He takes us from faith to faith and glory to glory. Opportunity to get in touch with the spiritual current and learn how to live in the Spirit. We have to allow God to come to the forefront and lead us. We have to always be willing to face the direction in which God instructs in order to keep the origin of blessings in focus. If you try to swim against the current of the spirit, things will be so hard like a river current that you can’t swim upstream when the river is flowing down.

Right side represents: standard and authority, it’s a safe place. Jesus sits on the right hand of the Father. God holds us up with His right hand of righteousness. Today, we use the term my right hand man. The one closest to us. Jesus prays that our faith not fail.

South: Dry place which is located right of the east. When God brings things in from the South, He raises a standard. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him. God is the flood that cleanses and purifies us. God will take our past to usher us into our future. The oil from our pain lubricates our path. Trusting God ensures a smooth transition.

Altar: sacred place to lay all our burdens down

Verse 2: North = invading or disaster (God brings us out of disaster and teaches us how to walk by faith and Acknowledge his plan.

If we stay focused in this walk we will be able to see where the water flows in our lives.

Water = holiness, cleansing, life, Spirit. Be ye holy for I am holy saith the Lord; out of our bellies shall flow rivers of living water. When we flow in the river of the Spirit, our perspective will change. When we flow in the Spirit, we receive revelation, we know how to walk in real love, and we have compassion, have sympathy and empathy for others and demonstrate rather than criticize.

Verse 3: Line represents the path.

The water to the ankles = change in direction. God ordered steps to attain God ordained goals. Can’t continue to travel the same way, can’t continue the same routine, can’t hang out with the same tired group of folk, and can’t continue to hold the same conversations or it will drown you. God sends warning first.

Verse 4: Water to the knees represents the change in prayer and praise life, humbleness

Water to the loins represents submission and being immersed; a form of submission. We have to study to show ourselves approved. Stay focused in studying and make sure that all things line up with the Word of God as it is written. We have to pray, praise and go deeper in things pertaining to righteousness. Walk in the Spirit to not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Walk in the path of righteousness for his name sake. When we are filled with the Spirit and He rises up on the inside, there will be a change in our walk and in all that we do, permanent not temporary change. Presence of the Spirit brings lasting conviction and change.

1000 represents balancing a new beginning 0 = God’s absolute power 1 = high spiritual force there are 4 numbers which represents order and completion a strong foundation you+ the trinity

Verse 5: Righteousness should overtake us. We should become so engrossed with God that we can’t escape His Spirit even if we had a notion to want to. David said if I make my bed in hell thou art there. We should embrace being in bondage to Christ. In Him there is no condemnation. When we are led by the Spirit, we are called the Sons of God. When we are led by the Spirit, we walk as God. God wants to fill us and escalate us in our daily lives and show forth His power to us and through us.

Verse 6: God will allow you to remember where you started so you can see where you have changed, improved, progressed, accelerated, or regressed. This helps us to be willing to connect to Him. As we walk with Him, He will unfold, unravel, or unwrap His plan. Sometimes the blessing is wrapped in mess. God’s answers do not come by carnal means even though He may use carnal things. Spiritual things are spiritually discerned (1 Corinthians 2:13-14). God cannot be found nor understood in the carnal. A carnal mind is enmity to God. (Romans 8:7).

God fills the dry places and heals the brokenness. He smooths the rough edges.

Verse 7: Tree = planted, longevity, strength There has to be roots. Trees grow down before they grow up. Before we can be exalted, we have to be brought low. Roots travel to find the water source. We cannot be settled without staying close to the source.

Verse 8: Sea = fountain of living water. We have to give back to God what He has given to us so He can bless it and increase it continually. He will restore and repair. (Example the 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread that Jesus thanked and blessed, it multiplied. It began as a lunch for a little boy and became a meal for about 15000. The bible said 5000 not including women and children. If there was one wife and one child per man, it is 15000.)

Verse 9: A healed person can be used to heal someone else.

Fish = people

Jesus said He would make us fishers of men.

We draw people based on what our purpose is. You attract your kind, those you are to help, minister to, lead, etc. What are you called to attract? What is your purpose?

Seasons attract different fish.

Verse 10: Time to build testimonies and raise witnesses

Verse 11: Miry places = scars that have been left behind to prevent you from returning to that again.

Verse 12: Maturity, growth, fruit, victories

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