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Pure Awakening

Scripture: Isaiah 6: 1-8

Verse 1: It is hard to see the evidence of the presence of God in our lives when there are strongholds that capitalize on our attention. Strongholds blind the people and distorts the true vision. So many are enslaved to unhealthy cycles of dysfunction or, worry, and issues that profit nothing. The stronghold presents a blockage that prevents the flow of revelation. Many miss seeing the true nature of God because of traditional mindsets and religious protocols. Principalities never show up alone. There are prerequisite spirits that announce the presence of darkness. Pride, offense, low self- esteem, gullibility, and lack of confidence, lying, disobedience/rebellion are just a few that indicate that there is a stronghold attempting to invade the person’s life. Whenever a person does not rebuke a spirit or gets delivered and does not vigorously eat the word, they can become bound again with 7 more demons (demonic spirits) greater than the first. It is a daily battle to remain pure at heart. Isaiah experienced an awakening. He transitioned from darkness to light like we all have to do for each level. It is not just when we originally get saved. Every round higher has a transition to new knowledge and trust and hope. When the yokes are broken we can see the truth. When strongholds are shattered, we can see the true position of God in our lives and begin to see His point of view.

Verse 2: Often times we miss the beauty of the Lord and overlook what is right in front of us. We tend to have our minds made up about how things should develop and miss the real blessing looking all around it. We usually fail to recognize the hand of God in our circumstances. We are usually spiritually unaware by being preoccupied with frivolous things. Too many are captivated by sin and are impacted more by sin versus righteousness. We easily miss the glory because we have blinders on from watching what other people do or say, participating in unproductive fruit, walking in unbelief, and sitting around waiting on a train that you have no ticket for. The people of God need to be vigilant in all things that pertain to life and godliness.

Face – Consideration for how the world sees us. It represents our character and it should be covered with grace and our words seasoned with grace and salt. Salt is a purifier. Salt is the truth and the truth makes us free.

Feet – Taking charge of the environment in which we are placed and standing on the gospel of peace and truth. There is grace on ordered steps. God determines our steps and maps out our path.

Fly – Readiness to take flight by making necessary changes and adjustments. We have to arise and be able to bring others to Christ and elevation as we are elevated in Him. Our elevation is predetermined because we are called to go higher. The angels of God are with us to ensure our success on every side. Elevation is attached to purpose and faith.

Verse 3: God always sends an announcement to prepare us for Him. He always has a great reveal about Himself and whatever He is bringing forth. The angels let us know that God is near. They are always ready to help and bring glory to the Father. The spirit of worship and praise comes upon us to let us know the presence of God is near. He inhabits the praise of His people. Our spirit is stirred up to announce the movement of God. The angels are faithful and testify of His holiness and power with singing and serving God for He reigns.

Verse 4: After the announcement, we can embrace the experience. Some just have an encounter but an experience lasts. An experience results in transformation. The presentation of God is awesome. God will move through chaos to bring beauty and understanding.

Verse 5: In His presence, you initially feel inadequate and unclean. As the relationship with God s built, the transference of worthiness resonates in us. In His presence, we can see who we really are. We can see our strengths, weaknesses, mistakes, vulnerabilities, and unrighteousness. We can face the dysfunction and begin to understand the voids that we feel in certain seasons of our lives. It is a total display of our stage presence to see how we are preforming. We have the opportunity to accept, acknowledge, and change/improve because a true experience with a Holy God brings divine conviction that makes us not want to go back. We separate from lies and stop lying, no more deceit, no more sleeping around, no more foul language, no more grudges, no more pride of life, lust of the flesh, or lust of the eye. There is grace in His presence and not condemnation. He wants us awakened from darkness to live in light. He shows us our weaknesses so He can provide strength. God reveals our status spiritually, physically, mentally, etc. We have to become purpose minded and observant of our influences, circumstances, attitudes, associations, alliances, and awareness of necessary change. (Read James 2: 23-25)

In the presence of God, we can feel His anointing and be delivered even from the pressures of the day. In James it refers to forgetting what you saw in the mirror. It also means that when you leave the presence and the anointing has lifted, you forget what you felt and do not seek to have more. The moment becomes a distant memory. Some begin to think of it as a goose bumps and water down the truth. In Read the book of Exodus for more information on his life. His presence is holiness.

Verse 6: Be ye holy for I am holy. Transformation in the spirit, transformation in the heart, cleansing and renewal are all in His presence. God will sometimes deliver us through our issues rather than take us out of them. It is because remaining in it has a revelation that must be achieved because it is required for the next step.

Verse 7: Be quick to hear and slow to speak and beware of what you say. Our words should always be seasoned with grace, mixed with faith, and not cursing. No one should run swiftly back to what God has safely delivered them from (abuse, prostitution, drugs, rebellion, witchcraft, unforgiveness, guild, shame, bitterness, etc). God purges and makes us free.

Verse 8: After the great introduction, God speaks to reveal Himself as He is. He will reveal His purpose for coming and presents us with an invitation to join in His will. Choose this day whom you will serve. The invitation is not only for working but for getting to know Him better. Good success only comes from God. He gives the best direction for the fulfillment of any plan. We can never effectively make to or fulfill destiny without Him. He knows the end from the beginning and knows all the plans He has for our lives.

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