He Did It
Scripture: Romans 5:6-11
Verse 6: Humankind could not redeem ourselves. We were weak with no power to restore ourselves to a sin free cleansed state. Christ bought us for a price. He paid for all sinners. All are born in sin. Jesus was the only one born into a sinfull world and He knew no sin. He committed no sin. He was not shaped in iniquity but in holiness. He was the first born of many brethren that we may be made to be like Him again. We are adopted.
Verse 7: It is very rare for anyone to lay down their own life for another. It does not matter how good a person is or has been. We are not equipped to simply say I will die for you. The truth is however; we are not qualified to substitute for another, but love will cause us to sacrifice. A husband is to do it for His wife as he is the example of Christ. A mother will sacrifice her life for her child as in childbirth when both cannot survive. We are not automatically wired to just give up our lives for just anyone. Christ did not die for some but for all. Good deeds does not make us righteous in ourselves. Our righteousness is as filthy rags (blood soaked). Christ died for black, white, yellow, brown, male, and female.
Verse 8: God knew exactly what He was doing. He did not condemn us but eradicated us from the thing He hates which is sin. He died to bring us new life in Him. His death killed the disconnection with us and God. His sacrifice destroyed the barrier that kept us from His presence. His resurrection restored our birthright as sons and daughters of the Most High and provided full benefits. We are joint heirs with Christ Jesus. We do not have to fall prey to the foolishness of the enemy trying to bribe us with riches and lands because they are already ours by birthright. We forfeit our true identity when we give away our birthright for a few coins like Esau did.
Verse 9: The blood of Jesus covers us and shields us from the wrath of God. It justifies us because we are not in the righteousness of Christ by our own merit. The blood washed away the filth and gave us clearance to see God face to face. The blood was not spilled to justify and condone sin. He who willfully sins is not covered by the blood. The blood does not cover unrighteousness. One must choose life or death, righteousness or unrighteousness, light or darkness. Choose this day.
Verse 10: His death freed us but His life frees us daily. His death broke us out of bondage and made us free from sin. When He gave up the ghost on the cross at Calvary, the hill of Golgotha, the earth quaked. The foundation of the earth was under reconstruction. Dominion and power was returned to the originator. We are redeemed daily through repentance. We have access to daily deliverance. We are delivered by means of prayer and submission. We can seek His face and commune with Him. He stands at the door and knocks for us to let Him in our heart and lives.
Verse 11: We have the ability to fellowship. Fellowship is a necessity for sustainability.