Are You Connected?
Scripture: 1 Peter 2:1-3
Introduction: We have to protect our thoughts. We need to be aware of what is in our hearts. If we are not careful/vigilant, we can condemn ourselves. We face situations every day and this means we have to examine ourselves daily. Sin comes in many forms. If one continues to think about it, it might as well have been done because one is guilty. Malice, guile, hypocrisy, and envy are spirits of evil.
Verse 1: The first step
Laying aside – to put away, discard, to not do it again. Many times we do not understand that we literally have to turn away from some people or things in order to progress, grow, move forward, and stay spiritually fit. We have to pay attention to everyone and everything that is in our lives. Watch as well as pray. Try the spirit by the spirit if you know how to discern. The inner man gives signals for right and wrong.
Malice is to devise a plan to purposely hurt another person. These people plot revenge and will hurt someone for no reason. They actually premeditate on what they will like to do to the person that is the target of their plan. Guile is trickery, deceit, and being cunning. These people put a lot of thought into what they want to do to someone. To operate in guile is to make a purposed decision.
Hypocrisies are actions of deception. Many people will try to teach another to not do the very thing that they do continually. This is where the saying comes from, “do as I say and not as I do”. This is not how a Christian should carry his or herself. We should teach what we do and not behave contrary because what we do should be righteousness. Many recognize the wrongs of others and fail to see the wrong in the mirror. Many will confess to doing wrong but the confession is not sincere. While on another note, many are fake trying to demonstrate a character that is contradictory to who they really are. We need to be so careful as not to entertain things like this because operation in one spirit will send invitation for more. Sadly, some people deceive themselves by not recognizing that they are carriers of these spirits because the enemy has put blinders on them.
Envies are those deep rooted feelings of contempt and jealousy for someone else. These people love to stir up trouble, keep up confusion, demand attention, very possessive, always defensive, and thrives on competition. James 3:16: For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work. Evil speaking is false witnessing against another, accusing God or dismissing God, lying, cursing people, and using God’s name in vain.
People love to deny the truth. Many make decisions and change their minds because they are not stable. They waver back and forth. James 1:6-8: A doubleminded man is unstable in all his ways. If we really and truly know the Lord thy God, we can operate in a single mind. We are not caught between two decisions. We can all fall but they that know the Lord will get up again. A just man falls seven times but gets back up. We all have moments of weakness but do not live a life of back and forth. God is not the author of confusion and He is not confused.
Our relationship with God is built on our own desire for Him. Relationship is personal. If you do not experience Him much, it is because you do not want much. Your relationship with God should not be based on trying to impress others, competing with others, boasting, or for selfish gain. A true relationship should be about intimacy and getting to know who He is and how you fit in Him. A true relationship with God is attractive and it does not have to be announced but the light will shine. People will recognize or sense a true relationship with God. It shows up in a person’s appearance, speech, and actions. Many try to seek callings and gifts rather than the Father. The blessing is connected to sincere relationship and hunger. They that are the Lord’s will also be true to their word. If you say you will do it, than do it. Your word should be respected and trustworthy.
James 5:12: But above all thing my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea, and your nay; nay, lest ye fall into condemnation.
Verse 2: Being new in Christ will cause a hunger and thirst. When you desire the sincere milk of the Word, your desire, actions, and words are wholesome. We need whole milk with vitamin D first to build strong bones. Be aware of the milk that you drink. When you can see true growth than you know you are drinking the right kind of milk to sustain you. Growth and maturity does not depend on how long you have been in a church. Wisdom does not come because of longevity. Time can also produce old fools. The emotionalism of preaching, shouting, singing, praying, encouraging, playing instruments, and even giving does not mean a thing if you’re living in vain. People do all of these things and have no faith. Actions do not always equal faith but impressions. One can have actions and have no love. Some people just need approval from man and need to feel important. We must take note that we are nothing without the favor of God. When you have the favor of God, He will give you favor with man. Real growth penetrates your spirit and brings about a change that you know came from the Word and not by personal configuration or calculation. It is not by our own understanding that we are improved. You know you are maturing when you can accept rebuke and realize it is wisdom. When you are able to receive understanding, you have achieved growth.
Verse 3: God is gracious. He pours His love on us. He pours His life into us. This allows us to obtain life, liberty, and anointing. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. He anoints my head with oil and my cup runneth over.