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Faithfully Seeking Christ

Faithfully Seeking Christ

Scripture: Matthew 2:1-12

Verse 1: The birth of Jesus in our hearts attracts the attention of the enemy. He becomes interested in the movements of the people of God who begin to seek for the light of salvation. It is not simply about getting saved but learning to seek Jesus to stay saved. Many do not understand that the life that is lived determines what the end will be for them. It is not good to become saved and then live like the devil. All hearts will be judged and all sin will separate us from the presence of God. He will always love us but will not always strive with us. If we choose to do that which is unholy, He will depart because He does not dwell in an unclean temple. Repentance is our key to stay fervent and we should repent daily.

Wisdom arises to offset the intimidations of the enemy. Wisdom seeks to reveal Jesus. It is the principle thing. Wisdom is the foundation on which knowledge can increase. Jesus is the light in which wisdom is based to guide us on the path of righteousness.

(Herod represents trouble; Wise men represent wisdom)

Verse 2: Questions: Where is your place where you know to go to worship Jesus? What is your sign that invites you to the throne to be in His presence? What makes you want to inquire of Him and to behold His beauty? Do you really know when you are being called to worship? Do you truly know how to worship and know what true worship really is?

When you reach true worship, you are no longer in your own thoughts. Worship is total yielding, total submission, pure and honest interaction with the Spirit of God, and transformation of attitude. When you worship in spirit and in truth, there is a deeper divine connection and exchange that causes you to have an experience with God. (Evidence of change) Flesh is not promoted or accepted in true worship. Worship is spirit to Spirit.

Verse 3: When you begin to awake to realize that God is getting your attention by waking up your spirit and unlocking areas that were infiltrated by strongholds, the strongholds get nervous. The strongholds do not want to lose their community of influence (demonic influence of different spirits). They do not want to lose their domination, control, strength, authority, or access to the lives of the people. There are warnings that precede breakthroughs. We experience a thirst for godly things that were not on our radar at first. We begin to actually question certain things that the Lord has opened our eyes to see. We become uncomfortable with certain things and people.

We become frustrated in areas that need to be changed. Frustration that is employed by God is birthing forth a new thing. It incubates greatness. Frustration due to disobedience is not the same thing. We become irritated by foolishness, low tolerance for carnal things, suffocated by people who hold on too tight or never gives you space, increase in people trying to manipulate you and figure out what you are doing, and you contend with pride, strife, rebellious spirits, and lies.

Verse 4: The enemy has a meeting to discuss and determine strategies to prolong bondage and keep us from getting to a better state of mind. A renewed mind in the truth of God is dangerous to the kingdom of darkness. The enemy wants to discuss how to keep people with blinders on and distant from Christ Jesus. He has the advantage if he can keep people separated from Christ. The enemy uses attacks on the body, finances, relationships, and things to afflict fear and attempt to convince people not to change. He cripples the faith of people and they believe his lies over the Word of God. He is a master deceiver because He knows that God is not fond of people who are lukewarm and God will literally vomit them out of Himself.

Verse 5: Satan has heard the announcement in the spirit about God’s plan for us and devises his plan to interrupt the flow. We should boldly confess and profess Christ and His significance in our lives. We need His presence and should not be ashamed about it. The enemy investigates to try to determine the focus of God in our lives because he does not know all things and definitely does not know the moves of God. The enemy attempts to create roadblocks, but God knows everything that will be. The enemy seeks to find out if our relationship with God is really authentic and determines how weaknesses.

We have to be secure in our relationship which constitutes obedience and understand who Jesus is in our lives. Many have an image of God but do not have a true relationship and understanding of who God really is. This is why so many find it easy to disobey or continue in sin. The enemy is interested in finding out how much of your heart actually belongs to Jesus. He tests our knowledge of Jesus. He does not want us to have true fellowship and communion with Jesus because this increases the manifestation of purpose. Our purpose poisons the plans of the enemy.

Verse 6: God calls forth His will out of unexpected places, circumstances, and/or relationships. He declared the end from the beginning. He births us and births things out of us in due season. The enemy will bring snakes into our lives to sniff out the fruit when it is ripe. Snakes come around where there is fruit in order to attempt to spoil it. We have to be confident and know what the will of God is for our lives and identify the season. We cannot continue to walk as if we are in general seasons or general understanding. We have to draw close to God in order to get specific instructions and specific understanding about our individual walk and purpose and not a collective one. Do not be intimidated but press toward the mark of the prize of the high calling in Jesus Christ.

Verse 7: The devil will entice or tempt to retrieve information from us. He will try to find vulnerabilities so he can deceive and to disguise himself as light. He always seeks to gain advantage in order to seduce the people of God into his venom. God is the only one with the advantage point. The enemy seeks to know what pressure and how much he can apply to us in order to bring discouragement and ultimate defeat. He actively listens to prayers so he can know what the people of God are expecting and then goes to set traps. This is why the heavenly language is essential. The devil cannot comprehend the heavenly language and is unable to challenge the perfect will of God prayed by the Holy Ghost. There are no loopholes or access available when we pray in the language of God. It builds up our most holy faith and bypasses all weaknesses.

Verse 8: The devil knows he cannot stop the plan of God because he is used by God. The devil has to operate within the guidelines set forth by God and cannot do more than God allows. Satan likes to discourage and taint worship because he was booted from that position. He is a master manipulator and deceiver and will use whatever is necessary to appeal to the people of God. He will act like the righteous in order to pervert the righteous. He does what he needs to in order to advance his plans. An authentic connection with Christ is a nightmare of the enemy. He wants to create a detour that restricts or completely hinder the pursuit for Christ in our lives. When we would do good, sin is always present. If the devil can convince one to sin more than he has restricted the access to God. Satan is an encourager of bad habits.

Verse 9: Listen to know the voice of God in our spirit. Listen to know the voice of like-minded people in the faith. We are not supposed to follow the voice of the stranger. His sheep knows His voice. Do not walk after strange gods and paganism. It should be our priority to get to the designated place of appointment (fasting, praying, praise, worship, humility, marriage, elevation, restoration, revelation, vindication, visitation, validation, exoneration, justification, glorification, acceleration. Exaltation, or commemoration.) Be open to God.

Make it a priority to get to the point where one can receive from God. Follow the path that is set before. The steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord.

Verse 10: Give God the glory

Verse 11: There is a divine exchange when we give God our best. What treasures do you hold that is worthy to give to the Lord? He deserves our best love, obedience, and trust for these things cannot be bought or sold. These things are a decision which is our free will. We need to surrender all to Him and our faults and flaws will minimize. We need to surrender our ideas, thoughts, plans, conclusions, etc.

Verse 12: It is crucial for us to know who God speaks to us individually. We need to know His methodology when conversing with us as not to be deceived. We need to know the language of God so we can be obedient. A meeting with God will cause us to go in another direction when you actually care about what pleases God. When God speaks, we must obey because it is a covering. God molds us to fit into His plans. He changes us to be like He is. When we come into His presence, we cannot remain the same unless one chooses to. If there is only an encounter with God and not an experience, one will easily forget and have no change. Renewal comes with experience because experience lasts.

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