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No More Excuses

As a people in the Body of Christ, we tend to live carefree as if we have no responsibilities to become spiritually healthy. Our hearts truly testify of our true will. Many claim to love and trust God, but it is only in words. It is time to stop the hypocrisy, use of empty words, and false promises because one is only deceiving oneself. We say we seek a word from the Lord. Why should God speak and you do not obey by moving in faith? Why should God speak and reveal His plan if you are only going to do things your own way or carry out your own plan? This world is full of selfish people and many are falling away from the faith.

We should be fervent in spirit serving the Lord. We should be about the Father’s business. We should not become so giddy about doing something sparingly especially when it comes to the things of God. Every day is a test. Without holiness no man shall see God and only the pure at heart shall see God. Many miss the move of God and do not see God in their circumstances because the heart is not pure. When we lean more to the voices of familiar spirits, we cannot see the true and living God in all things. We, as a people, have reduced God to treat Him as a prostitute or a mere man that conforms to the will of man or a man that thinks as mankind. This is not so. God does not think like mankind. People should not only use Him to give Him the little and expect Him to give the much.

The glitter of idolatry and man’s ability and willingness to cultivate fantasies that reduce the glory of God to be upon man made explanations is deceiving many. We, as a people, seek acceptance and justification through man and reject the very thought of spiritual growth except for in theory. What is your tithe in obedience, time, prayer, praise, worship, intercession, study, meditation, listening, reading, or just getting in the presence of Abba Father? When does his word become real and tangible and not simply viewed as stories on pages? When does the Word of God become alive to you and not simply metaphorical? Many fail to see God because of assuming that God will always work the same way or assume He will do as we expect.

Many think that God will not do certain things because they have a certain image of Him. However, God will do as He pleases and use the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. His thoughts are not our thoughts and He knows what is needed to get us to a certain mindset or destination. God knows the areas in which each person needs to be broken and shaken as well as changed. Many do not like humiliation or disappointment but these are methods to bring humility and surrender. No one has a monopoly on God’s methodology.

Many become arrogant in their ways because they feel they are entitled or have arrived to a certain point. God will shake the very foundation of a man’s life that the man built and uproot whatever ideology, influence, tradition, or substance that God does not approve of. God conforms us into the image of His son and whatever identity we create for ourselves will be torn down. A man that seeks to save his life shall lose it and one who loses his life shall find it. We must seek the Lord to know what He ordained us to be in order to do what we are purposed to do. God establishes His will for those who are willing to surrender to His truth for their lives.

We are living in a crucial time where God is rearranging people and removing those who are a hindrance. He makes things perfect in His own time. He is judging our hearts and bringing forth true worshippers and workers for the vineyard. God will chastise his children for the purpose of bringing forth the fruit in each season and for the purpose of removal us from our own understanding. The Body of Christ has become weak for lack of interest and investment in worship in spirit and truth, the presence of God, lack of accountability, etc.

We are forfeiting the divine fire and qualifying power that produces yoke destroying capability with the anointing and the ability to produce necessary change and deliverance in the environment. We are the light and should not be hid on a hill. We are to radiate in the face of darkness. We lack also because we, as a people, do not want to endure sufferings. Apostles and prophets always have to face suffering as part of the all but we all must suffer with Him in order to reign with Him.

Our endurance enables us to become a blessing to others in their time of need for deliverance and salvation. The enemy perpetuates so much havoc because we are not in our rightful positions. We have become lackadaisical and yet greedy. We perform works that have no impact and have not true mercy, compassion, or even love. We have reduced the worship experience to entertainment. People come to the altar to be seen rather than save. They come to manipulate and not educate. When much is given, much is required. What do we practice as a people? We tend to think that carnal works supersede the spiritual and the relationship with God. Our titles, positions, flocks, talents, gifts, or anointing do not pardon us or extend special privilege.

We are all bound by the same expectation to live holy and to walk in our own destiny with humility and understanding. We are different in the levels of faith and our levels of commitment. Many also lack the fear of the Lord and have little knowledge. God looks on our hearts. He calls us unto Himself to change us and not for us to remain the same. We are to renew our minds daily and be transformed. We are made to be transformers in the spirit to disrupt and tear down the altars and plans of the devil.

Scriptures to read: Expounded on in part 2

Exodus 34:14

Deuteronomy 10:20

Psalm 5:5-7

Proverbs 1:7, 20-33

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