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No More Excuses Part 2         Scriptures Expounded (Please Read the Scriptures for Yourself)

Exodus 34:14

Jealousy is real. We can be jealous for good or for destructive purposes. Those that are jealous for destruction tend to have evil intentions toward those who they see as a threat. This jealousy results from insecurity and the lack of ability or confidence to do what they see in the one in whom they are jealous of. Healthy jealousy is a result of protection such as when a man does not like another man flirting with his wife. We are the bride of Christ and God becomes jealous when we give more attention to other things and people than we give to Him. He does not like us having idols before Him.

Idolatry hurts God. The very name of God is Jealous. This means He loves us so much and there is no greater love than His. We cannot love one another without the love of God in our hearts. God’s very existence is to protect His own because He wants the best for us and only He can give us unlimited fulfillment in this life. He is concerned about the whole of a man/woman and not simply what he or she can or has obtained.

Deuteronomy 10:20

The fear of the lord is a major defense against the temptation of Satan. We are to attach to God in spirit and not just intellectually or mentally. We are to commit to Him with diligence and full commitment, humility, and trust.

Psalm 5:5-7

The foolish have no sound judgement. They practice nonsense thinking and behavior. They cannot embrace the truth because of closed hearts and mindsets. The foolish are stubborn in their own way of doing things and refuse to accept truth that may contradict their way of life. Wisdom is given to us to live righteously and the foolish would rather live according to feelings or flesh and remain in dead thinking and separated from the spiritual. The foolish will see correction as attack because they walk in a rebellious spirit.

They will not be innocent before God. God hates all works of iniquity. Iniquity is mischief, idolatry, and it leads to unproductivity in the spirit. God will judge and punish. Heresies are lies/false accusations. The bloody are they who shed the blood of the innocent through verbal, psychological, or physical violence that broke/hurt them deeply. Many do not consider the consequences of their tongue when they violently speak to others. Many deliberately speak harshly to others as demonstration of power.

There is a difference between misunderstandings and when a person blatantly practices or intends to hurt the other person just to make a point or for lack of compassion. It is our responsibility to have peace with all men as we can. There is the power of life and death in the power of the tongue. Words can destroy and kill the spirit and confidence that brings death to that person. Deceitful people are they who intentionally mislead, commit fraud, or treachery.

All things come back to choice. We have a choice to embrace the new mercies of God daily and walk therein. It is a choice to walk according to the fear of God and not simply see the Word of God as simple stories. The Bible is compiled of living testimonies that reveal the character, heart, ways, and mind of God. Many debate the word to justify their own need to remain in their sin and lack the spirit to discern and convert to the truth. Flesh and blood does not reveal to us but only the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit leads us into all truth. They that have the spirit can see the spirit and see in the spirit the pure things. Only the pure at heart shall see God.

We must learn to reverence God in everything that we do. This makes us profitable in all things as we seek to please Him and not ourselves or any man. This is why we must worship Him in spirit and truth. When we sincerely worship Him truthfully, we will not leave His presence the same way but better. In His presence, attitudes, thoughts, and burdens are dropped off and the divine exchange comes forth in our inner peace. Walk in the spirit as not to fulfill the lust of the flesh.

Proverbs 1:7, 20-33

There is no true knowledge without the fear of the Lord. Many major in theology but not in God ology. This simply means that many are so busy inquiring theological background without engaging in relationship. The heart has to be for God. If you do not invest in building a relationship, you will not be able to rightly know or divide the truth. A fool will chase his or her own fantasies and ideas and will be led by the deception of their own lusts. This person cannot come into the knowledge of the truth.

Wisdom does all to make herself available to us and many refuse to receive. Tears are literally in the eyes of God because His people perish not simply for the lack of knowledge but because they refuse it. A homeless person on the street can speak wisdom if we listen because God can use anyone or whatever/whoever is close to us to get our attention. Many do not recognize the call of wisdom and continue to walk in cycles of dysfunction or less than. God established wisdom to be present and available in governments, executive offices, churches, palaces, homes, and did no neglect any place.

It is easier for people to enjoy the familiar and the comfortable rather than step out on faith and drop their trust in themselves and put more trust in God. Relationship with Him will lead us into the next stage, step, dimension, next area of success, and increase. A fool will mock pure wisdom and refute it on every side.

When God corrects us, He makes it very plain to the simple so that we will not have defense because He will repay when we refuse. When man disregards the Lord, God will remove His protection and remove Himself. He will not spare in the days of turmoil and trouble. As the trouble multiplies and increases, God will lift his grace and mercy.

You cannot call on God in the time of desperation and expect relief after continually rejecting Him. God is not mocked and you shall reap what you sow. The work of your hands shall return back to you. Continual rejection closes the door on God and His wisdom and they will not be available in your time of need.

Your plea will be set aside because of your dismissal of godly counsel and knowledge. There are consequences for our actions. God is love, but He is also just. He is the law maker, judge, and executioner. Therefore, one shall reap the work of his/her own hands, suffer the penalty of decisions, and shall self-destruct for the lack of heeding to warning. Safety is in choosing God and then shall one be spared from the woes and the fear of torment. The fear of the Lord is healthy.

Proverbs 3:5-7

Do not make carnal assumptions or rely on personal interpretation but seek divine revelation and divine understanding. His thoughts are not our thoughts and too often we critique God based on what we assume or what we ourselves would do. His ways are not our ways and both His ways and thoughts supersede ours. We cannot understand Him based on our limited imagination. God is infinite and many miss God because of rationalization. God is irrational on purpose because we cannot trace Him but yet must trust Him.

Before we do anything great or small, we should enlist the counsel of the Lord. His counsel will always stand because it is always right. Some things will surprise us that the Lord will advise and orchestrate just to make a necessary point. Sometimes the end result may be different then our expectations. God does not just deal with the immediate, but He deals with the whole. He sees afar off. One situation is simply a part of a whole and God perfects all things that concerns us.

Be wise not to adhere to what you see in the natural. It is not the finale. John 7:24 Judge not according to the appearance but righteous judgment. Be slow to call a thing good or evil until you know the purpose in which God intended.

Proverbs 16: 23 & 25

Intelligence and integrity spring up in us when we acquire spiritual understanding. Many measure their integrity by their status and understanding by their experiences in the world. This is not the measure that qualifies us. We can only walk out the word of God that we understand. This understanding is not carnal. It is like a foreign language to a fool since they do not believe in it. This understanding is obtained by surrender and humility. God will exalt us in due time when we humble ourselves.

A man or woman tends to believe that what is considered or contemplated in their hearts to do is the right thing. One fails to seek the Father for the approval and so declares that their way is right but the plans are brought to naught (dead in the water sort to speak). The plans cannot live if they do not agree with the plans of the Lord. Man’s plans can usually result in higher costs such as the loss of beneficial relationships or benefactors, unnecessary hurts, corruption, death, and disconnection from God (major death).

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