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Faith, Hope, Love, Character

Scripture: Romans 5:1-5

We have to want God more than anything and anyone. Once we make the decision, we must bow down and surrender all and say here I am. After this, God will make a way. When we let it all go, God can make it all right.

Verse 1: The sacrifice of Jesus brought us reconciliation so that we can experience the presence of God, salvation from the wrath of God, brought assurance, hope, ability to endure and perseverance. We have grace and mercy and tender mercies are renewed daily.

Verse 2: Our faith gives us access to grace. We have unconditional love and have received benefits that we could not and did not earn. We rejoice for the fulfillment, the great testimony, a new level is God, ability to see God, and be filled with His spirit


Verse 3: We should see trials and tribulations as friends. They are a help to us. Trials are used to mold. our character. They perfect the way we consider things in the spirit. They teach us patience and how to wait on God. We have to be conditioned to not murmur and complain but to seek to know the will of God. We must learn to be content in whatever situation and learn to follow the peace of God. Trials help to develop our senses of the move of God, communication of God, character of God, rhema of god, and the glory of God.

Verse 4: Patience produces character because patience brings experience. Experience becomes the testimony of character. The experience is the time of walking through discovery. The attitude is the result of the character being confirmed or birth. We discover purpose, gifts, perspectives, ways of the spirit, the presence of God, and learn more about being in the presence of God. Seek and you shall find. Many people ask but never seek. They want the door to open but never seek to know what door is for them to open


Verse 5: Character produces hope because experience creates hope. Hope is expectation. Character of moral stability looks for the promises to be fulfilled and believes on the Lord wholeheartedly. The character of praising is formed out of the test of fiery trials. The character of obedience is birth out of the suffering. Hope is anticipation and invites revelation.

Hope does not disappoint. Faith works by love. Hope increases faith. God is love. Love activates all the goodness and faith attracts God. Love is powerful and brings light. Love destroys evil. Being filled with the Holy Ghost is power in us and empowers us. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. Fear destroys and Love employs. Fear pressures and Love proves. Fear kills and Love builds. Fear is disease and Love is health.


Faith the size of a mustard seed can move a mountain. You can speak to the mountain and command it to be uprooted and cast into the sea and shall do so. We have the power by faith to speak into the atmosphere and command what we want to see. God gave unto us the keys of David to bind and to loose. We must walk in humility and walk by faith. We must declare the will of the Father in the earth. Real faith expects and does not doubt. Real faith speaks positively continually. Faith is not moved by what is seen but examines what is seen based on what God has said.

Real faith surrenders to God’s wisdom, plan, and guidance. It is not rooted in the fear of man but in the fear of God. It does not esteem men before God. Faith knows that God is in all things, created all things, uses all things for His glory, and knows all things. He is supreme and sees all along with knowing all.

Faith is substance. Substance is confidence, anticipation, and earnest expectation. Faith is relentless and convinced. Faith is a knowing that what has not yet been seen is yet coming into fruition. Our spirit reminds us of what God has spoken and revealed to us. The Holy Ghost brings all things back to remembrance. When one has real faith, it causes one to be faithful. If you be willing and obedient, thou shall eat the fruit of the land. Obedience is a fruit of faith. No one can please the Lord without faith.


Spiritual things are spiritually discerned. The spirit of God knows the mind of God.

Character consists of mental and moral qualities. Godly character is produced through transformation of the mindset and consistency in the reading and study of the Word of God. The root of godly character is the fear of the Lord. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. We need discipline of mind and spirit.

Repentance is a lifestyle to stay upright with God. It is a constant revival to remind in a pure mindset and with clean hands. It is willingness to continually turn away from that which is not pleasing and is wrong. Godly character will cause one to stand corrected and not walk in offense or self-pity or denial. When we fear the Lord, we have internal conviction, an urgency to get right with God when anything is out of order. We actively pursue righteousness.

Human nature wants to control and that is why we must crucify the flesh. We must surrender and abandon self-control to give to the Holy Ghost so that we do not walk in darkness and considering it to be light. We must surrender control of our own lives so we may gain life in Christ. He who loses his life shall find it and he who keeps his life shall lose it. What profits one to gain the whole world and lose his own soul.

The Holy Ghost brings life and joy. True joy comes from true surrender. We must be broken gracefully. Without fully opening up to the Spirit of God, the full strength of God cannot be deposited. God does not force anything on anyone. He gives us a choice to liv right and accept Him. Joy is our endurance. It is our bounce back medicine. Joy is sustenance and sustains us through the hardships and fiery trials.

The bible teaches that we should not forsake the assembling of ourselves together. Many do not mind the fellowship and assembling together because they use it as an excuse of doing their part. They do not nurture and feed on the word and consider fellowship is enough. How can one discern in the multitude, if one does not commune in the solitude with God? The Word has to be alive in our lives in order to walk in the spirit and present and preserve godly character. We must engage in consecration, reading, studying, commitment, and sanctification unto the Lord. Many have an image of God but not intimacy with God. Many know of God but do not know God. The blessing of trials is that they refine us, tune us, and test our faith. Trials prove what we truly believe and where we truly stand.

Trials reveal the true scale of where we are mentally, emotionally. And spiritually. Authenticity, expressions, versus falsehood. Sincerity versus hypocrisy.

As spiritual believers, we should be sensitive to the spirit. We should be able to discern people’s moods, expressions, emotional state through listening to the spirit of God. Righteous judgment comes from the spirit of God. We should be able to discern spiritual activity like shifting in the atmosphere, opening of portals, battles, and other activity in the heavens.

Elijah told his servant in 1 Kings 18:44 that he heard the sound of rain and told his servant to go and see. The servant had to go 7 times before he saw a cloud the size of a man’s hand and there was a down pour. When we discern the things in the spirit, as we continue to watch, we will see the manifestation. Be aware of time and season and the moves of God. Despise not small beginnings. Jesus turned 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread into food for 5000+ and had 12 baskets left over. He also took 7 loaves of bread and fed 4000 with 7 baskets left over. The number 7 is significant. Rest on the 7th day to learn of the master. Consecrate, meditate, and communicate with God.

We should come to a point of growth where even the words of songs have value and meaningful insight for our walk. We should relate to the spirit as a testimony. Things should register and bear fruit as the Word begins to live in our lives. There should be fruit of change, understanding, turning away, new insight, new conversation, and evidence of carnal dying and spiritual birthing

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