They Hear Not
Scripture to read John 3:19-21 & Timothy 3:1-9
People think that God is so nice that they abuse His mercy. Many believe that they can live recklessly, and God will just accept them. We receive new mercies every day but fail to celebrate by obedience the favor of God. We must work out our own soul salvation and not be blinded by self-righteousness. We must fulfill our obedience and seek the Father daily. This flesh is weak. We forfeit our chance to grow by continuing to give place to carnal living rather than running to meet God face to face. Jesus prayed earnestly, and we must do the same thing if we are to live a sin free life. The power is in the prayer.
It is imperative that we learn to give God a sincere yes. It should go beyond lip service and come from the heart, deep in the soul. When we continue to have surface relationship with God, the fruit cannot grow. Seed have to be planted in the ground to grow. If we never get rooted in the spirit, the fruit have no fertilization. A true yes from the heart causes a sweet surrender and abandonment of those things that are unfruitful. We, as a people, do not give enough weight to the things of God. We do not fear the Lord or we would all depart from that which displeases Him.
If we only had 5 minutes left, how would we spend it? Many may rush to pray like on 9-11 not considering all the time they have wasted not seeking God. People lack the hunger for righteousness and do not conform their will to God’s will. God is a necessity and a mandatory dietary need for those who truly want to live right and inherit eternal life with God. We can go to water fountains and drink when we are thirsty, but we deny the living water which is not temporary relief.
Jesus replied to the woman at the well in John the 4th chapter and said if you know who I am, you would ask drink of me and thirst no more. We take time to eat bread, but do not feast on the bread of life. We will take communion but will not honor the sacrifice or the vow. Many are sick among us for this very reason
John 3:19-21 read
Darkness hides, but light exposes. People want to remain undercover and continue in their sin and calling it good. God does not want to improve us. God wants to remove us and replace us with Himself. When He looks at us, He wants to see Himself. He cannot identify with sin. Many today reject the Old Testament without realizing that that book sets the foundation and reveals the character of God. The Old Testament reveals how we are to come before God in spirit and truth when we enter into His presence. There is nothing obsolete in God because He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. God increases knowledge and reveals the deeper things.
People reject the truth because they do not want to comply with the requirements to accept the truth. Their hearts reject truth because they do not truly accept God in their hearts. Reprobate minds are a result of the judgement of God. Sadly, people look to blame others rather than self examining and being responsible for their own actions. Light has no fellowship with darkness because the darkness does not respond to accountability.
People that have a heart for the true things of God take pleasure in coming into the light and look forward to being better in Him. In the light, the flesh is resisted. These receive correction and choose to walk in the newness of heart and mind.
2 Timothy 3:1-9 read
This is the sign of the times and people are still walking in the filth. It is just like the days of Noah and the Sodom and Gomorrah. No one stopped doing what they did that was not pleasing in God’s eyes. They rejected the truth being preached until it actually began to rain.
The form of godliness are practices of religion versus being led by the spirit. The form of godliness does not have the word hidden in their heart because if the word is hidden, it is for the strength and understanding not to sin. Being entangled in sin prevents one from knowing the true power of holiness and godliness. These people practice religious works but never experience spiritual change and increase. They are not able to partake of authentic divine power and from such turn away. There is no benefit because Satan cannot cast out Satan. He only infects.
Silly women are unlearned and follow after deceit. They do things in secret and work to not be exposed. Their purposes are dishonorable.
Ever learning goes to those who are always attending conferences, church services, and so on but -never being circumcised or converted in heart. They are not experiencing the divine exchange which is associated with a new heart and new mind. The divine transformation to be conformed to the image of the Son of God is the power of truth.
People make provision for lust and prefer selfish gratifications over the edification of God. Men are after what they can get (covetous) and do not care about people. Love is waxed cold. We need to pray for spiritual intelligence and wise counsel. We need true anointing and relationship with God Almighty.